SWAY Codes

16 May 2023 by Coach Serowski

Here are the Sway codes if you want to knock it out early. Athletes will download the Sway Medical app, use the codes, and complete each section.

This is concussion baseline for athletes. A few Sway reminders:
1. This is required to be eligible for season and for Rank One. If it is not completed (and athletes are not green in rank one) then they cannot participate in practices until this is done.
2. This is for PLAYERS to complete- they need a baseline for each athlete just in case they ever get a concussion.
3. Complete each section
4. Unless a player currently has a concussion they should NOT have any of the symptoms. If for some reason they do have a concussion right now, they cannot take the sway test. Athletes should be symptom free in order to take this.

Sway codes:
High School athletes- AFTFP
Junior High athletes- FHX6F